Biblical Theology Team

Paul’s Big Vision (Rom. 12) is that we – Jesus’ Church – would NOT be conformed (or ‘fashioned’), to the patterns of this world, but to be TRANSFORMED by the renewing of our minds (Rom. 12:2), so that our LOVE may be sincere, and in ALL circumstances, we would never be lacking in zeal, joy, hope, patience and prayer as we follow and serve the LORD (Rom. 12:9-13)!

The goal of the Biblical Theology Team is to put ‘feet’ to Paul’s vision developing resources that help ALL members become better theologians every day by knowing Scripture better (renewing our minds) to Know God better (transforming our hearts) so we can Love Him better, trust Him more, doubt Him less, display His Love and Goodness in ever-increasing proportion by proclaiming the Good News of Jesus’ Awesomeness EACH DAY to ourselves and our friends and family and to anyone God puts in our path.

Michael Lawrence, in his book, Biblical Theology in the Life of the Church, writes that “profoundly deep theology” is to be confronted with the awesome “God-centeredness of God.” That is to say, as Michael puts it, that “God’s greatest love is God, God’s supreme goal is HIS Glory, God’s ultimate purpose in both creation and re-creation is HIS worship and fame.

Resources for all ages: