Family Ministry
We believe that God has called parents to raise their children in the ways and truths of God. Parents are primarily responsible for training their children to live out their gospel identity in everyday rhythms of life as a follower of Jesus. In this way both parents and children grow in the knowledge and grace of our Lord Jesus.
This means we see discipleship for our kids happening in the everyday activities of life, as our families live gospel-centered lives on Jesus’ mission. We want our kids to grow up seeing people of all walks of life learning to live in the ways of grace. We want to disciple each other’s kids in our homes, in our neighborhoods, and in our regular lives.
At the same time, when we gather as a whole church on Sundays, there are special opportunities for our children to be together as they grow and learn how to walk in the ways of Jesus in this community. Radiant Kids offers classes for kids of all ages up to about 3rd grade. Each class is a combination of age-appropriate Bible stories, games, and activities, all focused on helping our kids understand God’s Story, believe God’s Son, and walk as God’s people.
Radiant Babies: 0-24 months old
Radiant Kids: 2-9 years old
Radiant Youth: 10+
How Can You Help?
- Teacher
- Helper
- Kids Check-In
- Nursery