Gospel Communities
Gospel Communities are the primary way we connect with each other and live our lives around the gospel on mission. This is our way of being the church outside of our Sunday gatherings.
Gospel Communities are smaller (10-20 people) groups within Radiant Church whose members see themselves as a community (Family) that lives out the mission of God together (Missionaries) in a specific area or to a particular people group by demonstrating the gospel in tangible forms (Servants) and declaring the gospel to others – those who already believe it and those being exposed to it (Disciples).
Each group gathers regularly to live out the gospel in the everyday rhythms of life. They celebrate, bless and encourage, challenge, eat, recreate and live out the story of God together. Gospel Communities are the means through which Radiant mobilizes people together on mission and connects people to a caring community.
Gospel Communities
For more information about our Gospel Communities (GC’s), please visit our app. For more information or to get connected contact Amanda Thomas: admin@radiantfairbanks.org