
Elders are men, called by God, who serve as spiritual shepherds of His church.
We believe the Bible teaches that the church is best served by a plurality of elders…biblically-qualified male elders working in harmony for the good of the body. This functions to safeguard both the church and the elders. Therefore, Radiant Church is an elder-led, elder-governed church (I Tim. 2:11-3:7, Titus 1:5-10, I Pet. 5:1-5).
The elders primary responsibility is to give themselves to prayer and the Word. They are to teach, instruct, exhort, rebuke, and correct the body of Christ in sound doctrine. They should be men who live exemplary lives as Christians, husbands, fathers, and members of society. They are charged with protecting the flock, equipping the people for the work of ministry, and preserving the doctrinal integrity of the local church. In short, they are the spiritual shepherds of the flock.