
Current Sermon Series: A Selection from the Book of Psalms

The Psalms are poetic songs that are also used as prayers. Our hope for everyone at Radiant is to maximize our time together in the Psalms. We want the truths within each Psalm to get inside of us and then flow out of us to others. Click this link to access a guide for maximizing your time in Psalms.

Psalm 13: Light Up Our Eyes Lest We die ~ Ben Widman

Psalm 11: The Greatest Place of Refuge ~ Ben Widman

Psalm 8: How Majestic is Your Name ~ Ben Widman

Psalm 4: Live in the Blessing ~ Ben Widman

Psalm 2: Take Refuge in God’s Champion ~ Ben Widman

Psalm 1: Commit to the Way of Righteousness ~ Ben Widman